Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I forgot

The dragon slept and I forgot
To watch in darkened corners of
The sky. Believing not that he
would stir, that beast which troubled me,
I blindly walked along the path:
A crumbled, tumbled precipice.

The fog it came and rain as well.
I'm stronger than the earthly hell
That hides from view the truth, I thought.
The lake is there, the stones are caught
Against the shore. The trees still loom
And speak to me behind the gloom.

The dragon woke and I forgot
To watch a corner lost but not
As silent as I wanted it
To be. Then soft and low and bit
By bit it crept and slunk and came
And pierced me. Oh my soul's aflame!

It's not the dragon's fault, I say.
His fire is, like sun with day,
A thing that cannot separate
From him. The fault is mine, too late
I found myself within his eyes.
And would not have it otherwise.

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